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The term E-Government is used to define the governance process of the activities and services that the public administrations deliver to the citizens and to other administrations by using the new IT technologies, such as the Internet, in order to simplify the circulation of information, the use of procedures, and the dispatch of bureaucratic duties.

By enabling the cycle of digital convergence between administrative processes, public services and new technologies and with it the quality of organizational-management change, e-Government is conducive to enhancing the efficacy of administrative activities and constitutes the basis for achieving a level of deep interoperability and cooperation among the institutions. 

The most immediate and positive impact resulting from the adoption of these processes, in terms of transparency, control and efficacy, is precisely the mission that the RGS State General Accounting Department has had for the last 140 years: “Ensuring correct planning and a rigorous management of public resources”.

In the “E-Government” section of the RGS there are a number of dedicated services which are technology intensive, easy to access and user-friendly and which include ad hoc areas with explanatory documents and access to the applications enabling the Central Accounting Office to interact with the other administrations of the State.